Are you needing a hassle-free solution to get your car across the country? Look no further! Imagine having someone drive your car from one end of the country to another, handling all the logistics while you sit back and relax. Sounds too good to be true? Well, it’s not! This blog post will explore the ultimate solution: getting someone to drive your car across the country. Whether for a relocation, a vacation, or any other reason, this option could save you time, money, and stress. So, let’s dive right in and discover how you can make this happen effortlessly!

How do I find someone who needs to drive across the country?

Finding someone who needs to drive across the country may seem daunting, but fear not! You can connect with potential drivers in several ways and make this process more accessible than ever.

Consider utilizing online platforms dedicated to connecting car owners with drivers. Websites such as Bennett DriveAway provide a platform. Where you can post your vehicle’s details and find individuals looking for opportunities to drive long distances. These platforms often have safety measures to ensure both parties feel secure throughout the journey.

Additionally, social media can be a powerful tool in your search. Joining relevant groups or communities focusing on travel or transportation could help you find individuals seeking driving opportunities. You can attract attention from those interested by posting about your car and the specific route you need it gone.

Another method is reaching out to friends, family, and colleagues. You never know who might be planning a trip or has connections with someone needing their vehicle transported cross-country. Word-of-mouth recommendations can lead to surprising results!

Consider networking within professional circles related to transportation or logistics. Attend conferences or industry events where people in these fields gather. They may have contacts who regularly require vehicles to drive across the country.

By exploring these avenues and being proactive in your search, finding someone. Who needs to drive across the country becomes much more achievable than anticipated!

What is Bennett DriveAway?

Bennett DriveAway is a professional transportation company that offers a unique service. They provide someone to drive your car across the country hassle-free. Whether you need your vehicle transported for personal or business reasons, Bennett DriveAway covers you.

With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Bennett DriveAway ensures reliable and safe transport of vehicles to any destination within the United States and Canada. Their team of skilled drivers undergo thorough background checks and training to provide the highest professionalism and customer satisfaction.

One of the key advantages of using Bennett DriveAway is its extensive network of drivers throughout North America. This means that no matter where your car needs to go, there’s likely a driver available nearby who can take care of it for you. Plus, with their state-of-the-art tracking system, you can easily monitor the progress of your vehicle during transit.

Regarding pricing, Bennett DriveAway offers competitive rates based on distance traveled and vehicle size. They also provide insurance coverage throughout transport, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your car is protected.

If you’re looking for a reliable and convenient way to get someone to drive your car across. The country, Bennett DriveAway should be at the top of your list. Their experienced drivers and extensive network make them an excellent choice for all vehicle transportation needs.

Is there an app to drive cars across the country?

Is there an app to drive cars across the country? You might be surprised to learn that such apps do exist! With technology constantly evolving, there are now innovative solutions that connect car owners with trusted drivers who can transport their vehicles across long distances.

These apps provide a convenient way for car owners to find someone reliable to drive their vehicle from one location to another. Whether moving, going on vacation, or needing your car transported for any reason, these apps make it easy and hassle-free.

One popular app in this space is Bennett DriveAway. They have been transporting vehicles since 1986 and have built a solid reputation as a leader in the industry. Their user-friendly app allows car owners to quickly request a driver and track the progress of their vehicle’s journey.

Using an app like Bennett DriveAway ensures convenience and peace of mind, knowing that your vehicle taken care of by experienced professionals. So, if you’re wondering whether there’s an app out there to help you get someone to drive your car across the country, look no further – these innovative solutions are here to make your life easier!

Can I get paid to drive across the country?

If you’re still wondering if you can get paid to drive someone else’s car across the country, the answer is a resounding yes! Bennett DriveAway offers a unique opportunity for individuals who enjoy forcing and want to make some extra cash. By signing up as a driver with Bennett DriveAway, you can experience the thrill of traveling across the country while getting compensated for your time and effort.

Not only will you have the chance to explore new places and see breathtaking sights along your journey, but you’ll also be helping someone out by safely delivering their vehicle to its destination. Whether a personal car or a commercial truck, Bennett DriveAway provides an extensive network of drivers ready to transport vehicles nationwide.

Why not turn your passion for driving into an exciting job opportunity? With Bennett DriveAway, you can hit the open road and earn money simultaneously. It’s a win-win situation that allows you to embark on unforgettable adventures while making a difference in people’s lives.

Don’t let long-distance driving become just another chore. Embrace this ultimate solution and find fulfillment in being behind the wheel as you traverse America’s vast highways. Get someone to drive your car across the country hassle-free – it’s never been easier or more rewarding!

Start your journey today with Bennett DriveAway and experience all that this incredible opportunity has to offer. Happy driving!


Saves time and hassle: Having someone drive your car across the country can save you a significant amount of time and hassle compared to driving it yourself or shipping it.
Cost-effective: Hiring someone to drive your car can be a more budget-friendly option than shipping it, which can often be expensive.
Personalized service: You can choose who drives your car and communicate directly with them about any specific needs or requests for the journey.
Minimizes wear and tear on your vehicle: By having someone else drive your car across the country, you are reducing the mileage and potential wear and tear on your vehicle.
Convenient pickup and drop-off locations: With this service, you can arrange for your car picked up and dropped off at locations that are convenient for you, making it easier to plan and coordinate.


• Safety concerns: While most companies will conduct background checks on their drivers, there is still some risk involved in having a stranger drive your car cross country.
• Limited availability: Depending on the location and time of year, there may be limited availability for drivers to transport your car, making it difficult to find someone within a desired timeframe.